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Please Note:

  • Leaders will be required to take the session live.
  • If you were hired on or after July 1st of 2020, you will not have to take this course.

To take the Respect in the Workplace course:

  1. Log in to TalentLMS via https://daxko.talentlms.com/
  2. Click “Login with Daxko SSO”. (Note: TMs can only sign in via SSO, not username + password.)
  3. Sign in with Outlook credentials on the SSO page. (If this gets stuck, please try accessing via a Private/Incognito window or clearing your browser cache.)
  4. Select the “Respect in the Workplace (2020)” course. (You may see additional courses, depending on your role/team.)
  5. Please reach out to Margo Moore with any questions.

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